It’s been a considerable amount of time since I last posted on this blog. Life has become incredibly busy and stressful since my last update. Work continues to demand most of my free time and the lack of balance has been having quite the impact on me. However, I am starting to put up some barriers with the office to ensure that I can get more and more free time. Here’s a summary of...
Updates / Job Stress
I’ll be open and honest. My year hasn’t gone according to plan thus far. I wanted to try to get a new article written every month, but the company I work for is going through a ton of growing pains resulting in an average of 50-60 hour work weeks. When I add the personal stresses of moving, health issues, and trying to help out some struggling family, that leaves very little free time...
Drastic Changes and Self-Reflection
From time to time I wake up in this bedroom and think about how it all feels unreal. I am more independent than I have ever been at any point in my life. While I am living in an apartment with my brother at the moment, I own everything I have in my room and have been contributing immensely to small improvements around the apartment. I’ll reach a point over the next year or two where I will...
Sickness and a Fast Rebound
On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 I began to experience what I would say was a reduction in energy in the second half of the day that was greater than usual. It was a work-from-home day and I did exercise on that day, so I didn’t think too much of it. The following day (Wednesday), I ended up going to work and had what I think was a rather productive day. Towards the second half of that work...